BOSP Participation and Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement

This agreement applies to students who are studying abroad.

All students must sign the Bing Overseas Studies Program (“BOSP") Participation and Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement (“BOSP Agreement” or “Agreement”) as part of their application. The parties to this Agreement are the student, the student’s parents or legal guardian if the student is under 18 years of age (all referred to hereafter jointly and severally as “you” “I” or “Participant”) and the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, its officers, trustees, faculty, agents, representatives, volunteers, students and employees (collectively referred to hereafter as “Stanford”). Participant enters into this Agreement in consideration for being permitted to voluntarily participate in an Overseas Studies Program, seminar, internship, Consortium Program or other activity that involves travel or residency off the Stanford University campus affiliated with BOSP (“Program”). Please read the Agreement carefully so that you fully understand before signing. If you have any questions regarding the Agreement you can email us at

The BOSP Agreement contains important information about the obligations and responsibilities you assume when you are accepted to or waitlisted for a Program. For your application to be complete, you or your parent or guardian if you are under the age of 18 must sign this online Agreement below, indicating that you have read and understand this Agreement and agree to abide by all its terms and conditions.

If accepted or waitlisted to a Program, I agree to all of the following terms and conditions. I further understand that my participation in the Program is contingent upon acceptance of these terms.  I understand that if my circumstances change and I am no longer able or willing to meet the obligations and responsibilities described in this Agreement, I must notify the BOSP immediately and as a result, I may be required to withdraw from the program and to pay late withdrawal penalties.

Terms of Agreement

1. Standards: I will uphold and abide by all Stanford policies, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to Stanford's Honor Code, Fundamental Standard, and Code of Conduct while participating in a Program.  I understand that any perceived violations of the above policies may give rise to a complaint being filed with the Office of Community Standards for possible investigation. I also understand and agree to act responsibly, familiarize myself with and abide by the policies of collaborating institutions (if any). I understand that I am subject to, and agree to abide by, all applicable U.S. and host country laws and regulations, including any applicable immigration and anti-bribery laws. I have read and agree to abide by Stanford’s anti-bribery policy, located at  I am responsible for completing all the necessary steps to obtain a visa (if required) in a timely manner and am responsible for associated costs and for complying with the term of the visa.  I understand that I am fully responsible for the visa process and Stanford cannot guarantee that the appropriate visa will be issued to me.  I also further understand that in the event I am arrested Stanford has no obligation to provide legal assistance and, based on local laws and practices, any assistance Stanford may elect to provide may be limited. I understand and agree that my acceptance into the Program may be withdrawn or I may be dismissed from the Program for reasons including, but not limited to, if 1) I violate applicable U.S. or local laws, Stanford policy or the policies of collaborating institutions; 2) in BOSP’s sole judgment I present a substantial risk of harm to self or others or engage in actions endangering others or myself; 3) my conduct is considered by BOSP to be disruptive, detrimental or incompatible with the best interest and welfare of the program; 4) I am unable or unwilling to participate meaningfully in education activities; and/or (5) I require a level of care from BOSP that exceeds the resources and staffing that BOSP is able to provide.  I further agree, if dismissed from the program, to be responsible for all costs incurred in returning to the United States or my country of origin.

2. Eligibility:

To determine an applicant’s qualifications, standing at Stanford, and readiness to participate in a program, I understand that the following offices may be consulted:

  • Office of Residential Education
  • Office of Accessible Education
  • Undergraduate Advising and Research
  • Office of Community Standards
  • Title IX Office
  • Vaden Health Center/Counseling and Psychological Services

NOTE: Vaden will not share confidential health information with BOSP, but may identify a concern with an applicant’s readiness to participate, to be further addressed by Vaden directly with the applicant.

I understand that I am not eligible to participate in any Program while a freshman (44 or fewer academic units, less than one year in residence), if I am on provisional registration or on University suspension for any reason, or if I have been conferred my undergraduate degree before the last date of residence of the program.  If I am on probation, my participation requires the approval of a professional advisor at Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR), a Residence Dean, and BOSP.  I understand that I am ineligible to participate in an Overseas Seminar if I have previously participated in an Overseas Seminar.

BOSP reserves the right to revoke admission at any point prior to the Program should there be any changes to a student’s qualifications, standing at Stanford, or readiness to participate in the program. BOSP will notify the student should there be any concerns, or if the student is no longer eligible to participate in the Program. 

3. Participation Requirements: I will complete and pass the minimum language or academic prerequisite prior to the first day of the quarter in an overseas program or the arrival date for an Overseas Seminar, Other Program (this does not include non-Stanford study abroad programs), and/or Consortium Program. I will be in good academic standing prior to the first day of the start of my overseas program. I understand that if I cannot meet these prerequisites I must immediately notify BOSP.  I understand that if I fail to provide timely notice, or at the sole discretion of BOSP after providing notice, I may be involuntarily withdrawn from the program and subject to late withdrawal penalties. I will attend all scheduled BOSP orientation sessions (or scheduled make-up sessions). I will submit all required materials by the deadline established by BOSP..

4. Academic Requirements:  I will enroll in and will complete a minimum of 12 units of coursework from courses offered by the Program each quarter, including the appropriate language coursework where relevant.  I will enroll in and complete all predetermined required courses offered by the Program during the quarter; in Australia, this includes all five courses, in the fixed curriculum. In a Consortium Program, I will enroll in a full course load defined by the program; this includes a combination of required courses and student-elected courses. I will be responsible for the costs of any instruction outside of the normal framework of the Program.

If participating in an Overseas Seminar, I will enroll in any required prerequisite course(s), enroll in the seminar and will complete 2 units of coursework, as determined by the Seminar Leader.  I will be responsible for the costs of any instruction outside of the normal framework of my seminar.

If participating in an Other Program, I will enroll in any required prerequisite course(s), enroll in the Program and will complete the required units of coursework, as determined by the Program Leader. I will be responsible for the costs of any instruction outside of the normal framework of my program.

5. Tuition, Housing, and Fees:

Overseas Studies Programs:

For each quarter I am enrolled in a full quarter Overseas Studies Program, I will pay regular, undergraduate Stanford tuition and the Overseas Fee (room, board, and program costs) by the Stanford home-campus payment deadline. BOSP will make arrangements for my housing for the duration of the program, from the scheduled arrival date through the last day of residence for each quarter of my program and will provide for approximately 19 meals per week, either as meals or as a meal stipend. It shall be the sole discretion of BOSP whether I am provided with meals or a stipend, and the amount of the stipend, if any. I am responsible for meals and lodging costs at all other times including inter-quarter breaks. I am fully responsible for all incidental costs incurred while participating in a quarter-length program, including but not limited to airfare to and from the program location.

Overseas Seminars:

For participation in an Overseas Seminar, I will pay the published Overseas Seminar Fee, or arrange to have it covered in part or in full with funds provided by the Financial Aid Office. BOSP will make arrangements for my housing while attending an Overseas Seminar, from the scheduled arrival date through the last day of the seminar, and will provide for approximately 19 meals per week, either as meals or as a stipend. It shall be the sole discretion of BOSP whether I am provided with meals or a stipend, and the amount of the stipend, if any. I am responsible for meals and lodging costs at all other times. I am fully responsible for all incidental costs incurred while participating in an Overseas Seminar, including but not limited to airfare to and from the program location.

Other Programs (this does not include non-Stanford study abroad programs):

For participation in Other Programs, I will pay the published Other Programs Fee, or arrange to have it covered in part or in full with funds provided by the Financial Aid Office.  BOSP will make arrangements for my housing while attending an Other Program, from the scheduled arrival date through the last day of the program, and will provide for predetermined number of meals per week, either as meals or as a stipend. It shall be the sole discretion of BOSP whether I am provided with meals or a stipend, and the amount of the stipend, if any. I am responsible for all incidental costs incurred while participating in an Other Program, including but not limited to airfare to and from the program location.

Consortium Programs:

For participation in a Consortium Program, I will pay regular, undergraduate Stanford tuition and program fees stipulated by the Consortium Program by the Stanford home-campus payment deadline and/or the payment deadline established by the respective Consortium Program, whichever is earlier.  I am fully responsible for all incidental costs incurred while participating in a Consortium Program, including but not limited to airfare to and from the program location.

6. Fitness and Insurance: I attest that I am physically and mentally capable of participating in the Program and living or traveling outside of the United States and have no known health restrictions that might jeopardize my safety or health or the safety or health of others during their participation in the Program.

I agree to obtain and maintain in effect for the full duration of my Program (and, if asked, provide proof in documentation acceptable to Stanford) Stanford Cardinal Care (student health insurance) or health insurance coverage equal to or greater than that offered by the Stanford Cardinal Care plan.  Said coverage shall, at a minimum, include coverage for medical care and treatment outside the United States and coverage for both medical evacuation and repatriation of remains. I will be solely responsible for payment-in-full of all costs for medical care I may receive overseas and/or for medical evacuation and/or repatriation of remains, and waive any right to hold Stanford and/or its agents or employees responsible for any such costs.

7. Medical Emergency Authorization:  I understand and agree that if, during participation in the Program, Stanford learns that I am experiencing serious health problems, have suffered an injury, or an otherwise in a situation that raises significant health and safety concerns, Stanford may contact the person whose name I have provided as an “emergency contact.”  I hereby give permission for Stanford or its representative to provide immediate and reasonable emergency care should it be required.

8. Arrival and Departure: I will arrive at the designated overseas site no later than the designated arrival date specified by BOSP unless I have advance, written permission from the Program Director to arrive at a later time. Such requests should be made no later than sixty (60) days prior to the designated arrival date. I will depart the designated overseas site no earlier than the last day of residence specified by BOSP unless I have advance, written permission from the Program Director to depart at an earlier time. I understand that Stanford University, BOSP, and the overseas program staff assume no responsibility for knowing my whereabouts at any time. If participating in an Overseas Seminar, I will arrive at the seminar site no later than the designated start date and stay until the designated seminar end date.

9. Activities Outside the Program: I acknowledge that should I choose to enter or remain in a foreign country before or after participation in the Program, Stanford will not be acting as a sponsor for me during this time. Should I withdraw from the Program voluntarily or involuntarily, Stanford will cease to act as my sponsor thereafter. In the event of either of the foregoing, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

10. Change of Status: Once I have been accepted to a particular program for the specified quarter(s), and have agreed to enroll in the program for those quarters, I understand that the conditions and penalties shown below apply if I change my status and/or if I fail to meet the prerequisites and/or participation requirements outlined above. I will provide BOSP with written notice of any change in my status and understand that completing, signing and submitting the appropriate form by the deadlines listed below and acknowledged by BOSP will be considered sufficient notice. Deferral of admission is not permitted under any circumstances.  Withdrawing from a quarter or the first quarter of a multiple-quarter stay will result in withdrawal from all subsequent quarters and I must reapply for admission. BOSP may waive or reduce fees at its sole discretion, only under extreme, unforeseen, and/or extenuating circumstances.

11. Withdrawal Policy: I understand that if I notify BOSP prior to the end of the business day on May 31 (for Autumn Quarter programs), October 31 (for Winter Quarter programs), February 15 (for Spring Quarter programs), or the Friday of the 3rd week of Spring Quarter (for Summer Quarter programs), I will not be penalized. If I give notification between June 1 and July 31 (for Autumn Quarter programs), November 1 and November 30 (for Winter Quarter programs), February 16 and March 15 (for Spring Quarter programs), and after the Friday of the 3rd week of Spring Quarter (for Summer Quarter programs), I will be charged 25% of the Overseas Fee. If I give notification on or after August 1 and prior to the first day of classes for the program I am participating in abroad (for Autumn Quarter programs), on or after December 1 and prior to the first day of classes for the program I am participating in abroad (for Winter Quarter programs), on or after March 16 and the first day of classes for the program I am participating in abroad (for Spring Quarter programs), or on or after June 1 and prior to the first day of classes for the program I am participating in abroad (for Summer Quarter programs), I will be charged 50% of the Overseas Fee. If I give notification on or after the first day of classes for the program I am participating in abroad, I will be charged 100% of the Overseas Fee. Please note the Kyoto, Krupp Internship Program, Overseas Seminars, Other Programs, and Consortium Program withdrawal policies below.

For the Overseas Seminars and Other Programs (this does not include non-Stanford study abroad programs), the following withdrawal policy applies: I understand that if I notify BOSP prior to the end of the business day on March 15, I will not be penalized. If I give notification on or after March 16, I will be charged 200% of the Seminar Fee.

For the Krupp Internship Program in Germany and Kyoto Internship Program in Japan, the following withdrawal policy applies:  I understand that if I notify the Krupp or Kyoto Internship Coordinator after formal application but prior to formal placement (for whatever reason), I will be charged a fee of $200.  If I withdraw after formal placement as determined by the Krupp or Kyoto Internship Coordinator, I will be charged a fee of $400.

For Consortium Programs, the following withdrawal policy applies: For the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies, I understand that I am responsible for any non-refundable payments made directly or indirectly by me, or on my behalf, to Columbia University and/or tuition payments made to Stanford based on the Stanford campus tuition refund schedule established by the Office of the University Registrar. For the Consortium for Advanced Studies in Barcelona, I understand that if I notify BOSP prior to the end of the day on May 31 for Fall Semester or October 31 for Spring Semester, I will not be penalized. If I give notification on or after June 1 for Fall Semester or November 1 for Spring Semester, I will be charged a fee of $400 in addition to any nonrefundable payments made directly or indirectly to the lead Consortium Institution and/or tuition payments made to Stanford based on the Stanford campus tuition refund schedule established by the Office of the Stanford University Registrar.

PLEASE NOTE: These deadlines are based on the academic calendar of the home campus. Stanford University's regular tuition refund policy applies in all cases.

12.  Permissions.  I grant permission to BOSP to release only my name and email address to other Stanford students accepted or waitlisted to the same program(s) to which I am applying. If I do not want my name and email address released, I understand that I must contact to withdraw my consent within a week of my acceptance.

If any student in a class where such photographing or recording is to take place does not wish to have his or her image or voice so used, the student should raise the matter in advance with the instructor.

I hereby grant Stanford University permission to use my name, photographic and/or videographic image of myself and photographic and/or videographic images of my work product (research posters, final presentations, speaking engagements), if applicable, provided or captured as part of The Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE) programs, or by VPUE, in any way, in all media now known or later invented for any educational or publicity purposes. I understand that Stanford intends to make information about or images of me available on the Internet for public access and information, and I hereby grant permission for such publication and use. I further grant permission to the photographer /videographer who captures any such image/footage described above to include the photograph or video in a portfolio (in any form in any media) of the photographer's/videographer's work.

I release Stanford and Stanford's assigns and licensees from any claims that may arise regarding such specified use of student’s image and/or biographic information, including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or copyright. Stanford is permitted, although not obligated, to include my name as a credit in connection with the image. Further, I understand and agree that Stanford is not obligated to utilize any of the rights granted in this Agreement.

I understand that any academic projects produced while participating in a Program may be used for publicity purposes and/or as a resource for prospective students.

13. Assumption of Risk:  I expressly understand and agree that the Program presents risks to me and my property and that Stanford cannot guarantee my safety. I understand and agree that the Program activities may be dangerous and may involve risks to personal safety and physical risks which can range from (but are not limited to): minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains to catastrophic injuries, including paralysis and death. I understand and agree that the Program involves international travel and may involve unfamiliar or different terrain, customs, climate, food and drink, laws, social and sexual mores, sports practices, rules and regulations, communications, criminal and law enforcement activities, disability access, driving practices and road conditions, premises conditions and/or maintenance. Risks may also include: disease, inadequate health care, natural disasters, acts of God, war, civil unrest, terrorism, kidnapping and assault, physical violence, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, short and/or long term disability, loss of income and/or career and earning opportunities.

I am responsible for researching and evaluating the risks I may face and am responsible for my actions. Any activities that I may take part in, whether as a component of the Program or separate from it, will be considered to have been undertaken with my approval and understanding of any and all risks involved.  This includes, but is not limited to, risks associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs or other intoxicants, property loss, injury to person or property, or death arising out of traffic accidents, assault, and theft or other activities. I acknowledge that I have reviewed the advisories posted by The United States Department of State currently located at and by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control health advisory at

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to take every precaution to safeguard my health and personal belongings from damage or theft.  I acknowledge that Stanford recommends that I never travel alone, particularly at night.

It is my intention that this assumption of all risks shall be legally binding and a complete bar to me, my heirs, personal representatives, relatives and assigns from asserting any claims or demands, or pursuing any legal actions, that I, my heirs, assigns, or legal representatives have or may have for injuries to person or property, including death, as a result of activities for which I have assumed risks.

I understand that this assumption of risk applies to all activities arising out of, associated with or resulting directly or indirectly from my participation in the Program and/or residing and traveling outside of the United States, including but not limited to those risks listed above.

I further recognize, understand and agree that Stanford does not assume responsibility for any liability as regards damage or injury that may be caused by my negligence or willful acts committed prior to, during or after participation in the Program, or any liability, damage or injury caused by others, including other participants. I agree that Stanford shall not be subject to claims or suit to be made by or on behalf of me or my heirs, representatives or assigns as a consequence of my participation in the Program.

14. Release of Claims: In consideration of being accepted into and/or participating in the Program, I agree on behalf myself and on behalf of my heirs, executors, administrators, employers, agents, representatives, insurers, and attorneys, to release and discharge Stanford of and from any and all claims which may arise from any cause whatsoever, including any negligent act or omission by Stanford or others. I further release and discharge Stanford from liability for any accident, illness, injury, loss or damage to personal property, or any other consequences arising or resulting directly or indirectly from my participation in the Program. I acknowledge and agree that Stanford assumes no responsibility for any liability, damage, or injury that may be caused by my negligent or intentional acts or omissions committed prior to, during, or after participation in the Program, or for any liability, damage, or injury caused by the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of others, including other participants.

I intend that both the assumption of risk and the release of claims be complete defenses to any and all actions, claims or demands that I, my heirs, assigns, or legal representatives have or may have for injuries to person or property, including death, as a result of activities for which I have assumed risks and/or released and/or waived claims.

15. Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Stanford from any injury, loss or liability whatsoever including reasonable attorneys' fees and/or any other associated costs, from any action, claim, or demand that I, my heirs, assigns, or legal representatives have or may have for any and all personal injuries I may suffer or sustain, regardless of cause or fault as a result of, arising out of, associated with, or resulting directly or indirectly from my voluntary participation in or decision to participate in the Program, travel to and from the Program and any and all related activities. I will be responsible for all damages, losses, and/or charges for extra services in my room.  I will further be responsible for all damages, losses, and/or charges to any that are caused or contributed to by me to common areas and grounds of my housing and my Center. I understand that Stanford, BOSP, the onsite overseas program staff, seminar/program leaders, internship host organizations, and/or Consortium Programs assume no responsibility and do not provide insurance or other financial protection for me, my guests, or any personal property.  This indemnification and hold harmless agreement is intended to be all encompassing.

16. Program Modification and Cancellation:  Stanford reserves the right to cancel or modify the Program before or during its operation for any reason, including natural disasters, emergencies, low enrollment, unavailability of facilities or personnel, or compliance with the University travel policy at

17. Severability:  It is understood and agreed that, if any provision of this agreement or the application thereof is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications.  To this end, the provisions of this agreement are declared severable.

18. Governing Law and Venue: This agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California.  The venue for any action arising out of this Agreement shall be the County of Santa Clara, State of California.  The parties agree to submit to jurisdiction in Santa Clara County, California.

19. Construction and Scope of Agreement:  The language of all parts of this agreement shall in all cases be construed as a whole, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any party. No statements, promises, or representations have been made by any party to any other, or relied upon, and no consideration has been offered or promised, other than as may be expressly provided or referred to herein. This Participation and Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement supersedes any earlier written or oral understandings or agreements between the parties.

I acknowledge that I have read this Participation, Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement, understand its meaning and effect, and agree to be bound by its terms.